As with any aircraft there are factors that are beyond the control of the operator.  Things like weather must be considered in any aerial operation.  When you are dealing with Aircraft and Photography the weather conditions become an even bigger factor.  While our end goal is to provide the best service to our clients as we possibly can, and capture incredible images and video from our aerial missions the #1 priority is SAFETY.  With more than 45 years of aviation experience our flight record is spotless.  While we are onsite we are more than happy to spend as much time with you as you like answering any questions you may have about FAA flight rules, Airspace regulations, Photography and Video perimeters or any other questions you may have.  Below you will find more information that will help you understand our services.


WE love Event Shoots.  The excitement of the event and the videos are priceless.  There are many considerations that must be made.  First,  The FAA prohibits drone flights over large groups of people without a waiver.  Waivers are difficult to acquire and take many months.  With that said, we can still document your event but the drone will need to stay just off to the side of the large groups of people.  For example if you are having an outdoor wedding, we can operate just to the left or to the right of the guests.  We can find many different angles to shoot from but operation directly over the crowd is prohibited.  Weather is also a HUGE factor.  High Wind, Rain or Storms can keep us grounded.  If for any reason we are not able to fly and document the event an 80% refund will be made for all fees paid.  Please remember as good as we are and with our extensive 50 years of dealing with Mother Nature we can not predict what the weather may do.  We will always do our very best under the conditions to get the footage, but we take no chances when it comes to safety.  We have received many awards for our safety over the years. Our regard for the safety of our passengers, property of our clients, and the equipment we use is paramount.


Flies Drones recommends that you schedule your aerial shoot in advance.  How far in advance depends on the type of aerial task.


Event dates should be chosen a minimum of two weeks in advance.  This will allow us to make sure your date and time frame are available and marked on our schedule.


We generally schedule these aerial tasks during mid morning time-frame when the lighting is good and we are less likely to have our typical Florida Thunderstorms.  This provides good light, fewer clouds and lighter winds for more stable and clearer images.


We schedule these for the same mid morning time-frame as our roofing inspections.  Depending on the chosen visit frequency we will try to do the shoots on the same day.  Sometimes weather issues will cause the shoot to be delayed a few hours or in the worse case a day.  Flies Drones tries to keep to a very regular schedule for Project Documentation photography.


Flies Drones retains ownership on all images and video taken on every flight operation.  When Flies Drones provides a client with the images taken on a specific Documentation Flight or an Event Shoot, the USB provided to the client will contain a written release statement for all photos and video.  This statement will grant all rights to the images to the client for use in any fashion they should desire.



For an event shoot we require a 48 hour notice before the time of the scheduled event to cancel.  If a cancellation is made 48 hours prior to the event the event sponsor will receive an 80% refund.  If an event is canceled with less than 48 hours notice the refund will be reduced to 50% and if our pilot(s) show up for the event and are canceled at the time of the event there will be NO REFUND.